Will the talk help me?
Find modules
Install modules
Use modules
Max Maischein
DZ BANK Frankfurt
Deutsche Zentralgenossenschaftsbank
Data Scientist
Experience is something you need most when you have it least
... at least a part of you
Hopefully a large part
You know how to program
Didn't install a module yourself
Didn't have a module installed for you
Need to suggest / use / rate a module
Improve the thematic parts of your module
Improve findability
Improve installability
Improve documentation and usability
No fixed list of modules (see Task::Kensho, Phalanx 100, ...)
No rating of modules
That's your job
My opinion is marked "🚨"
Decision assistance for CPAN
Domain knowledge is the most important thing
... and knowing where to look it up
CPAN is not that central
We need X
1: X = Single sign on 2: X = XML 3: X = whatever
We use Perl
There surely is something on CPAN
Isn't there something on CPAN?
Collect domain knowledge
Rate modules
Install modules
Use modules
Learn the domain
Find the places of discussion (mailing list, website, FB group, ???)
Review existing approaches
Review existing programs and documentation
Review existing libraries
Luck: More than one alternative
Bad luck: More than two alternatives
Are there standard test cases / standard use cases?
When was the last change to the domain? To the API?
Automatic vs manual for cars
SAX vs. DOM for XML Parsers
Document oriented vs. relational for databases
Google (without "Perl")
Google (with "Perl")
CPAN with keywords from the searches
Hard part
"Should I use module/approach Y or Z for doing X?"
Web everywhere: No reasonable person wants to do X!
Stack Overflow: Closed as Opinion
Perlmonks.org: What problem do you want to solve?
Date of the discussion
Rate it yourself:
Compare test suite against standard test cases (OpenSSL, OWASP Testsuite, ....)
Example: Javascript Frameworks: "To-Do app"
When was the last change to (module, API, topic)
Example: MIME::Lite
Bugs in bug tracker
POD Sections and what they mean
Name of the module
What's in a name?
The name puts you in a long tradition of similar names and expectations
The name describes you accurately
"Acme" 🤡
"Simple" in nothing but the name (XML::Simple, Filter::Simple, ...)
But also: LWP::Simple, Keyword::Simple, ...
"Tiny" as alternative
Single line description
Single line description
Kavorka - function signatures with the lure of the animal
Data::Dumper - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval
Filter::signatures - very simplistic subroutine signatures for Perl < 5.20
Simplest use possible
Simplest use possible
1: use My::Module 'frobnicate'; 2: frobnicate('foo'); # outputs "bar"
Where to look for more information
🐞 Open bugs
Closed bugs
Kind of problems
Licenses of the dependencies
API Keys and their storage
System programs and -APIs (Win32::, C-Compiler at runtime)
Online-access during installation
Interaction with other modules (Source filter, event loop)
How all-encompassing is the solution?
How much of this do I need to use?
Event-loops (AnyEvent, Mojo, ... )
Threads vs. C libraries
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module 2: No documentation found for "The::Module".
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module 2: 3: ⌨️ perl -MThe::Module=99999999 -e1
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module 2: 3: ⌨️ perl -MThe::Module=99999999 -e1 4: Can't locate The/Module.pm in @INC ...
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module 2: 3: ⌨️ perl -MThe::Module=99999999 -e1 4: 5: ⌨️ perl -MV=Filter::signatures
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module 2: 3: ⌨️ perl -MThe::Module=99999999 -e1 4: 5: ⌨️ perl -MV=Filter::signatures 6: Filter::signatures 7: C:\...\site\lib\Filter\signatures.pm: 0.10
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module 2: 3: ⌨️ perl -MThe::Module=99999999 -e1 4: 5: ⌨️ perl -MV=Filter::signatures 6: 7: ⌨️ cpan -l
1: ⌨️ perldoc -l The::Module 2: 3: ⌨️ perl -MThe::Module=99999999 -e1 4: 5: ⌨️ perl -MV=Filter::signatures 6: 7: ⌨️ cpan -l 8: # a looong list of all installed modules
🚨 every step roughly halves the number of people who will complete the process
🚨 No additional steps
🚨 Provide ready-to-install packages
🚨 Provide step-by-step installation documentation
🚨 Try to get Travis CI running (OSX + Linux installation)
🚨 Try to get Appveyor running (Windows)
Strawberry Perl is not Perl
Red Hat Perl is not Perl
ActiveState Perl is not Perl
🚨 Every direct prerequisite module should to be listed in Makefile.PL / META.* / Build.PL / cpanfile
Will bite you later
🌶️ Easy (don't)
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ Hard (Perl+Module)
It's installed already
corelist That::Module
ask your sysadmin
Testrun in a VM or on throwaway Google cloud instance
1: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/editor?pli=1&shellonly=true
use OS package manager + sysadmin
🚨 Never use CPAN with the system perl
⌨️ apt-get install libwww-mechanize-chrome-perl
⌨️ ppm WWW::Mechanize::Chrome
Use local::lib
with system Perl
⌨️ cpan
Choose local::lib
⌨️ cpan My::Module
Install App::perlbrew and your own Perl
Compile your own Perl (Linuxish)
1: ⌨️ perlbrew init 2: ⌨️ perlbrew install 5.28
Install modules using cpan
Install another Perl under /opt/perl
Compile your own Perl (Linuxish)
1: ⌨️ sh Configure -Dprefix=/opt/perl -de 2: ⌨️ make 3: ⌨️ make test 4: ⌨️ make install
Install modules using cpan
📖 Read
the documentation
the examples in the documentation ( Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Examples )
the links in the documentation (bare minimum the author thinks is needed)
📖 Read
1: ⌨️ cpan 2: ⌨️ look That::Module
the examples in the distribution
the tests
Use the source, Luke
Ask the author
Questions? 🙋
Examples (blacklist, not-black-list):
Web frameworks
... *
🚨 None good
Sending mail
🚨 MIME::Lite
🚨 Use whatever your framework suggests
Examples (blacklist, not-black-list):
[ ] IP handling NetAddr::IP / alte Version
Examples (blacklist, not-black-list):
none ideal
Examples (blacklist, not-black-list):
🚨 Ask Tina
Examples (blacklist, not-black-list):
🚨 XML::Twig (DOM-like)
🚨 XML::Compile (write XML using XSD)
🚨 Never XML::Simple
Config modules
🚨 Future
Examples (blacklist, not-black-list):
[ ] Internationalization
Examples (blacklist, not-black-list):
[ ] Authentication
Web Scraping/HTTP
🚨 WWW::Mechanize + HTML::TreeBuilder
🚨 WWW::Mechanize::Chrome
🚨 Mojo::UserAgent
ORMs / SQL helpers
🚨 (None)
Model the data access and operations as objects, not the data =back
Class builders
🚨 Moo 2
🚨 none encourage anything other than hashes-as-objects